Social Events

Aberdeen is a well established community in south Forsyth. It is proud of it's many traditions. Part of it's tradition is hosting several events annually for it's residents.  Aberdeen is currently in need of volunteers to organize and run our 2024 Social Events.  Without a volunteer the events will not happen. 
Easter Hunt
Easter Bunny Breakfast & Egg Hunt 
The Easter Bunny pays a visit to our neighborhood each year.  You are able to enjoy a catered breakfast in our clubhouse and take photos with the bunny.
Afterwards, it's a tradition in Aberdeen to host a Easter Egg Hunt at the clubhouse. The Easter Bunny visits and delivers a ton of eggs scattered throughout the property, even in the playground.  Every child will leave with a bunch of eggs in their basket.
Free Ice Cream 2019
End of the School Year / Memorial Day Weekend Social
Lots to celebrate every May.  In Aberdeen, we love to kick off the summer vacation with a big party around the pool.  Burgers, hot dogs, chips, and drinks will be served.  Music will be playing.  Ice cream truck will out front.  You don't want to miss this summer kick off event.  
July 4 BBQ 
Another big poolside celebration on July 4th weekend.  There will be food and drinks served, music will be playing, everyone will be out having a great time.  Maybe even a cannonball contest or a pie eating contest... Bring your family to the pool, don't miss it!!
Back to School Food Truck Night
The First Day of School for Forsyth County
No need to cook!!  Come on down to the clubhouse parking lot 
You'll have plenty of food options for everyone. Let the kids hang out and talk about their days!
Aberdeen Tennis & Pickleball Social
Aberdeen Tennis Social
Join us for a fun night of tennis, pickleball, food and drinks! Stay tuned for 2024 info.
Aberdeen Casino Night
Time for the neighborhood adults (18+) to have a little fun. Come join us for another neighborhood Casino Night. Test out your poker skills against your neighbors... and if that's not your thing, there will also be roulette and black jack. Stay tuned for upcoming dates and information
Cookies with Santa
Cookies with Santa
Children of Aberdeen can't wait for the arrival of Santa!! He comes to Aberdeen once a year.  Stay tuned for 2024 details.
Ornament & Cookie Exchange
Cookie & Ornament Exchange  Stay Tuned for 2024 Event details.